As one of the world’s leading supplier of lasers and laser solutions, Coherent offers a diverse portfolio of laser sources, laser tools and laser accessories for a broad range of commercial and scientific applications.

Coherent provides lasers and laser-based products across the entire spectrum of light. Coherent designs and manufactures the most diversified selection of laser solutions, with a laser product portfolio that addresses an ever-broadening range of applications. Laser sources from Coherent include: CO2 lasers for marking, cutting and scribing. Diode-pumped, solid-state lasers for advanced materials processing and instrumentation. Diode lasers and components for optical pumping and materials processing applications. Excimer lasers for LASIK procedures and manufacturing/production processes and fiber-based lasers for micromachining. Optically pumped semiconductor lasers (OPSL) offer a wide range of output powers and wavelengths, allowing OPSLs to be tailored to the needs of specific applications. Ultrafast lasers for scientific research, materials testing and materials processing. Structured light lasers include laser line generators and other pattern generators. Laser cutting tools and laser systems include a range of process development tools for c-Si solar cell manufacturing, as well as industrial-grade laser machine tools forlaser cutting, marking and engraving a wide range of materials from metal and wood to plastics and paper. In addition to laser sources and tools, Coherent also offers range of laser measurement and control products including laser power and energy meters, laser beam diagnostics, laser measurement tools, laser mode measuring and spectral analysis instruments.
These laser technologies drive greater efficiency and productivity for customers today, as well as help develop insights that lead to technological breakthroughs in the future. Such advancements in lasers and laser technology led by Coherent have significant impact on commerce, industry and scientific research, and has been the hallmark of business for Coherent for over 40 years.